Family Learning to Promote Positive Relationships


The IRENE project arises from the need to offer a multidisciplinary and multicultural response to the different forms of violence that can occur in the family context; such as gender violence, child abuse, child-to-parent violence, or elder abuse.

Programme for Parents

The Programme for Parents to Build Positive Family Relationships addresses topics related to

  • Conflict management in the family
  • Building positive relationships
  • Practicing self – care

Family Learning Toolkit

The Family Learning toolkit provides age – appropriate learning resources to help children, teenagers and senior adults in the family to build positive family dynamics.

Training for Educators

Through the section of Training the Educators, front-line family support and adult educators from the partner’s communities can develop the skills provided to deliver the full suite of family learning resources through our final project result – In-service Training Programme for Adult Educators.

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Project Number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000033457

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